Through this service, you can request to modify a district cooling standalone licence.

Service Condition:

  1. Pass the technical, financial,and legal evaluation stage to obtain the eligibility for the service
  2. Pass the 28 days public notice without external objection

Required documents:

  1. Description of Bulk-Service ETS Room
  2. Description of Bulk-Service ETS Metering Equipment
  3. Description of District Cooling Network
  4. Demand forecast against installed capacity and future capacity
  5. Construction build-out period
  6. List of all District Cooling Retailers
  7. Copies of all applicable permits and licenses obtained
  8. Description of proposed financing
  9. Cost Estimate Including Financial Model
  10. Submit all bulk and end-user charges
  11. Cooling services agreement
  12. Self-assessment with Customer Service Agreement minimum terms and conditions
  13. Tabular summary of all Customer Cooling Service Agreements
  14. Audited Financial statements of the Applicant
  15. Self-assessment and compliance with DC regulations and technical codes
  16. Risk Assessment

Service Steps:

  1. Registration (Log in)
  2. Submit the application through the available channels and upload required documents
  3. Select the license type
  4. Receive the license electronically


Service Beneficial: Government and Business

Service Fees: N/A

Time duration for service completion: 30 working days from full Submission date


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